Tomorrow’s too late

So often we say to ourselves – well I will leave that for tomorrow or I have plenty of time. But today is the day to do something. If there is a secret sin, then deal with it! If you haven’t given your life to Jesus, then do it today. Don’t delay it, for tomorrow may be too late.

If you haven’t accepted Jesus into your life and you would like to say a prayer, say something like this: Lord Jesus, I want a change in my life and I want to follow you, please help me to do that. I am sorry if there are things in my life that are not right, and they hurt you, please forgive me. I surrender my life to you now. In Jesus name. Amen

If you have done the above, please do  let me know. Find other followers of Jesus who will help you follow Jesus. Find or buy a Bible and start by reading a book in it called Mark. If you cannot afford a Bible, go to the following website – , where you will find online versions of the Bible.

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